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based on the belief that 意味

"based on the belief that"の例文


  • 《be ~》(that 以下)という信念{しんねん}に基づいている
  • based     {形-1} : 底のある、基底付きの、基地{きち}のある
  • belief     belief n. 信じること, 信念, 確信, 意見; 信仰; 信用, 信頼. 【動詞+】 abjure one's belief in a
  • that     that pron. それ. 【動詞+】 I like that! 《反語》 (あきれた時などに)こいつはいいや; こんなことまっぴらだ
  • based on     based on に基づいて にもとづいて 準拠 じゅんきょ
  • based on moral belief systems    《be ~》道徳的信念{どうとく てき しんねん}に基づいている
  • based upon the belief that    
  • informed belief based on    ~に基づいた確かな情報{じょうほう}による意見{いけん}
  • informed belief based upon    
  • based upon moral belief systems    
  • belief     belief n. 信じること, 信念, 確信, 意見; 信仰; 信用, 信頼. 【動詞+】 abjure one's belief in a doctrine 《文語》 ある教義に対する信仰を放棄する He did not accept the religious beliefs of his parents. 両親の抱く宗教的信仰を受け入れなかった a
  • in the belief that    (that 以下)だと信じて
  • absurd belief    ばかげた考え
  • adherence to a belief    信念{しんねん}に忠実{ちゅうじつ}であること
  • adopt a belief    信念を抱く
  • advance the belief that    (that 以下)という信念{しんねん}を述べる


  • this exemption was made based on the belief that shinden and jinden were not the property of shrines and temples , but of deities .
  • following this , the kamiari-sai festival is held from october 11 thru 17 (according to the lunar calendar ) based on the belief that the gods are holding a meeting at izumo taisha shrine during this period .
  • based on the belief that the female menstruation cycle was the same as the rotation cycle of the sun , the philosophy of the ezo people taught that everyone born by a woman embodies cosmic principles and receives benefits from the sun .
  • this is because shotoku taishi was worshipped as a guardian deity of construction and woodworking based on the belief that shotoku taishi was engaged in large scale construction projects including shitenno-ji temple and horyu-ji temple , and defined various vocations .
  • after the mid-kamakura period , as a part of tokuseirei (ordering return of land sold and dissolution of debts ), shinryokogyorei (a policy to show divine shows based on thoughts of confucianism in kamakura period ) were issued in succession based on the belief that it was by the grace of gods that kamikaze (divine wind ) had blown at the mongolian invasion attempts against japan .
  • generally , it is believed that miroku appears 5670 million years later; such enormous years originating from the formula 4000×400×360=576000000 , based on the belief that the life of miroku at tosotsuten is 4000 years and a day at tosotsuten equals 400 years in this world (it is thought that 576000000 years changed to 5670000000 years during a later age ).
  • generally , it is believed that miroku appears 5670 million years later; such enormous years originating from the formula 4000×400×360=576000000 , based on the belief that the life of miroku at tosotsuten is 4000 years and a day at tosotsuten equals 400 years in this world (it is thought that 576000000 years changed to 5670000000 years during a later age ).
  • they are the terms by which younger generations teasingly refer to old people (or what old people call themselves with ridicule ), who , based on the belief that danjuro ichikawa (9th ) and kikugoro onoe (the fifth ) in the meiji period or kikugoro onoe (the sixth ) and kichiemon nakamura (1st ) before world war Ⅱ were the best actors , criticizing actors and their performance thinking no present actors can approach them in performance .
    明治の市川團十郎 (9代目)・尾上菊五郎 (5代目)、あるいは戦前の尾上菊五郎 (6代目)・中村吉右衛門 (初代)こそが最高の役者であるという信念に基き、彼らに今の役者は遠く及ばないという下降史観によって役者や舞台を批判する老人のことを、それよりも若い世代が揶揄的に、あるいは老人自身が自嘲的に言う言葉。
  • they are the terms by which younger generations teasingly refer to old people (or what old people call themselves with ridicule ), who , based on the belief that danjuro ichikawa (9th ) and kikugoro onoe (the fifth ) in the meiji period or kikugoro onoe (the sixth ) and kichiemon nakamura (1st ) before world war Ⅱ were the best actors , criticizing actors and their performance thinking no present actors can approach them in performance .
    明治の市川團十郎 (9代目)・尾上菊五郎 (5代目)、あるいは戦前の尾上菊五郎 (6代目)・中村吉右衛門 (初代)こそが最高の役者であるという信念に基き、彼らに今の役者は遠く及ばないという下降史観によって役者や舞台を批判する老人のことを、それよりも若い世代が揶揄的に、あるいは老人自身が自嘲的に言う言葉。
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